We Broke the World Roy Scranton September 2019 Issue no. 47 Our world is a graveyard, and we Homo sapiens are the blight that has made it so.
Exterminating Angels Ross Barkan July 2019 Issue no. 46 The American myth of the progressive prosecutor.
Dinner with a War Criminal Dave Denison June 2019 Revisiting Henry Kissinger’s murderous legacy in the era of Trump.
The Magic Kingdom Sarah Marshall May 2019 Issue no. 45 There are no workers at Disney World. Everyone is a cast member, and they are all so happy to be here.
Class Warfare Owen Davis May 2019 Issue no. 45 How much would you pay for a chance at the Ivy League?
Who, the People? Astra Taylor January 2019 Issue no. 43 Who counts as the people, and how can that definition be revised and updated in shifting historical circumstances?
Nothing Before Us George Scialabba January 2019 Issue no. 43 Assurances of progress alternate with threats of catastrophe; promises of improvement are answered by warnings of decline.
404 Page Not Found Kate Wagner January 2019 Issue no. 43 The artifacts of internet life are personal—that is, not professionally or historically notable—and therefore worthless.
American Ghostwriter Sean Patrick Cooper November 2018 Issue no. 42 This was glorified ventriloquism, in which the Author called upon the American Ghostwriter to play the dummy.
I’m Feeling Bad About America J.W. McCormack November 2018 Issue no. 42 The campaign song is frequently the porch popular music crawls beneath before it rolls into the fetal position and dies.
Tell Me It’s Going to be OK Miya Tokumitsu September 2018 Issue no. 41 Self-care and social retreat under neoliberalism.
Bridges to Nowhere Nathaniel Friedman September 2018 Issue no. 41 On liberal dreams of a more imperfect union.