Girl, Uninterrupted Miya Tokumitsu May 4, 2019 Issue no. 45 My So-Called Life pictured a slice of middle-class, Clinton-era America. Was it indeed a simpler time?
Tell Me It’s Going to be OK Miya Tokumitsu September 3, 2018 Issue no. 41 Self-care and social retreat under neoliberalism.
Anxiety Dream Miya Tokumitsu June 26, 2017 We are fumbling around, trying to work out the role that sleep plays in a prosperous life.
Did the Fun Work? Miya Tokumitsu June 5, 2017 Issue no. 35 On the peculiarly American obsession with staying busy—even when we’re on vacation.
Art Work Miya Tokumitsu April 12, 2017 The avant-garde attempt to unite art and life through productive labor has been too successful for our own good.