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A stack of Baffler Magazines

Editor in Chief

Matthew Shen Goodman

Managing Editor

Bidi Choudhury

Art Direction and Design

No Ideas

Senior Editors

Jess Bergman
Dave Denison

Web Editor

Zachariah Webb

Literary Editor

J.W. McCormack

Editor at Large

Chris Lehmann

Staff Writer

Jess McAllen

Assistant Editor

Arielle Isack

Editorial Fellow

Grayson Scott

Photo Editor

Chris Maggio

Contributing Editors

Susan Faludi
Evgeny Morozov
Ann Neumann
Liz Pelly
Rick Perlstein
George Scialabba
Jacob Silverman
Astra Taylor
Catherine Tumber
Kate Wagner
Eugenia Williamson


Noah McCormack

Executive Director

James White

Marketing and Social Media Manager

Kelly Dickinson

Web Developer

Michael Gardiner

Administrative Coordinator

Leila Markosian

Founding Editors

Thomas Frank
Keith White

Past Publishers

The MIT Press (2012–2014)
Conor O’Neil (2009–2010)
Greg Lane (1993–2007)

No interns are used in the making of The Baffler.

A chair falling through the floor. The caption reads 'M.S. Fisher'.