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the blue shared earth

when wildness & brown was hit by the car it hollered & spun

the wild brown dog looked like a dust devil gathering wind

in an empty baseball field   a Carolina Dog

in a town of factory workers & missing hands

with all its body   it did a small brown dance

danced towards its death not a dog anymore

i wish i could have stopped to bury it in all its fur

on the side of some small road

under a moon a without eyes

miles away from any smokestack

a view of a mountain full of snow

a trying mountain that almost made me forget

but the dog would not lie down

a wild brown dog’s blood is in my mouth   a Carolina Dog

& highway vultures at my sides

i am an outfield full of wild dancing

i got it good in the heart

of course the dog became the mountain

of course i wake to it

*“the blue shared earth” is a line borrowed from Aracelis Girmay