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A sclerotic passage through indigenous tunnels,

when in forever’s milk-white atonality,

a hemorrhaging thought still meanders,

fructifying, a lap top terminal

rests as plastic synergy,

arias wailing beneath mango thunderheads,

swelling til explosions spill

over sticky black

tarmac midnight streets.

B stylized rumors catching over video-wide walls,

searching among tunics and turbans for a colored telepathy,

homespun fabrics wrapped around chest cavities and skulls,

calumnies and forgeries, disturbing gaps between trust and chance,

likewise blue fists clenched steady on the rudder,

rolling ships on surging, heavy-slated seas.

winds are serrated knives,

lost in skin that thrives

on continuous suction,

throbbing moist against an Oxford background,

her lips licking between curvaceous aluminum files,

teetering and unctuous (linoleum bound)

and straddling a beast monotonously pumping.

C’s eager, and quick to rummage through filth,

ties on the wagons, ploughing through hills;

eager in fortitude to rest there as dust,

your sex is confusion, uncertainty’s thrust.