The conifer of forever
Stood tall in the forest.
Lumberjacks passed by
And took out their saws.
The stump was forever
The elephants of forever
Were shot down by poachers.
Their bodies were left to
Rot on the desert floor.
The tusks were forever
A hydroelectric dam
Was built across the river
Of forever. It created
Many jobs and much power.
The cost was forever
The protesters of forever
Demonstrated in the streets
They were tear gassed by
Police. Many were beaten.
The air and skin were forever
The car of forever
Pulled into a service station.
Employees and customers
Oohed and aahed.
The keys were forever
Tickets to the show
Of forever were on sale.
The night of the show
Ushers were at the gates.
The stubs were forever
A mugger assaulted
An unarmed pedestrian.
The man did not have
The money of forever.
The gun was forever
The lovers of forever
Looked at each other in bed.
They made love again.
The break up was forever
The author of forever
Signed ten thousand copies
Of his bestselling book.
The readers were forever
A dieter on the diet
Of forever stepped onto
The scale and looked down.
The number was forever
A shoplifter tripped
An alarm while leaving
The mall of forever.
The parking lot was forever
A poet who was working on
The work of forever
Wrote a poem of forevers.
The poem was over.