In the middle of the night
I woke in a big fright
Saw mobs marching down the street
To a fierce iconic beat
They sang a dirge of disgust
At the evil money lust
That has our economy made bust
The scumbags of the financial
Upper Crust
Green gallows for the Wall Street Bankers
Lying thieving money wankers
Rotten SOBs with no moral anchor
Hang them, Invisible Hand, with
righteous anger
The CEOs and big financiers
Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, Citigroup
Stealing money as they flee the
chicken coop
Madoff with his Ponzi scheme
What a horrible insane dream
Collateralized swaps, derivative drops
Toxic assets, financial plops
Liars’ loans sold as triple-A
Gekko Bankers gotta get their fees
Spreading chaos and disease
Green gallows for the Wall Street Bankers
Lying thieving money wankers
Rotten SOBs with no moral anchor
Hang them, Invisible Hand, with
righteous anger
Where were you, federal regulators?
When Wall Street went to war
Screwing employees, shareholders,
ever more
The White House and Congress
Suckin’ up to bankers behind
closed doors
Goldman’s Rubin told Clinton what
to do
Greenspan of the Federal Reserve said
All is well, big money’s swell
How much you think Wall Street
Paid them when they left?
Green gallows for the Wall Street Bankers
Lying thieving money wankers
Rotten SOBs with no moral anchor
Hang them, Invisible Hand, with
righteous anger
Give them what they truly deserve
Heads swinging from the Federal Reserve