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Weekly Bafflements

Fuck all rich people, but fuck Joe Ricketts in particular.

Your boss doesn’t care about you.

In a move that’s brazenness is only rivaled by its dickishness, billionaire Joe Ricketts opted to shut down local news outlets Gothamist and DNAinfo rather than allow his employees to unionize.


Tumblr is truly wild.

There’s is no way to do this story justice so please just read the tale of the Constable-Frozen fan account that is also maybe a vore fetish blog.


Treat yourself to an insane winter coat.

For Racked, Amanda Mull lays out the case for eschewing practicality and opting for outrageous outerwear. No ethical consumption under capitalism; go with the leopard print.


“Sooooooo I wrote a thing” -Donna Brazile.

Over at Splinter, Katherine Krueger explains the rather astonishing excerpt from Brazile’s forthcoming book, and what it actually tells us about the state of the DNC.


On pompous windbags.

Jim Sleeper makes the case that the Leon Wieseltier story says as much about Washington culture as it does about one self-satisfied lech.