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Daily Bafflements

• Today in the sharing economy: CBC News reports that the popularity of “social dining apps,” companies that allow you to eat a home-cooked meal—in someone else’s home—is growing. Just book your meal with the app, take an Uber from your AirBnB sublet, and enjoy!

• Here to remind us of the enduring importance of Richard Florida’s Rise of the Creative Class is … Richard Florida, with a new ranking of the highest and lowest-rated creative class cities for The Atlantic’s CityLab. According to this list, Camden, NJ, could use some of the creative class treatment The Baffler itself wrought in this classic piece by Tom Frank and Paul Maliszewski.

• Baffling feminism: our friends over at Pacific Standard explore the disturbing trend of women trolling women writers online, and Sumi Krishnan tells us how the online marketplace will help you just bypass that glass ceiling altogether.

• If all of this has got you inspired to jump headlong into the brave, not-so-new economy, here’s a couple of startup name generators that have us feeling vibrant this morning.