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Daily Bafflements

• Here’s what You Need to Know about today’s Apple Watch reveal: according to USA Today, it’s predicted that the top-of-the-line version could cost as much as $5,000 to $10,000, or, about the same amount of money as a 2006 Ford Escape. But hey, why be stingy? Just think of the time you’ll save when you finally the ability to know what time it is and how many emails are in your inbox without having to reach into your pocket!

• Wired writes that a new report out by the Clinton Foundation has “finally coming around to an idea that the tech industry has long embraced: to solve any big problems, you need big data.” The magazine sums up its interview with Chelsea Clinton with the easily digestible and optimistic takeaway “Internet access is key to gender equality.” (How about we just give all the ladies Apple Watches, and solve sexism?)

This just in: “American Dream” Retail Theme Park Actually a Dystopian Nightmare (Via @JorgeAzze).

• This Vogue editor (and “literal princess”) sure is a class act.