All I remember is she drives a red
sports car and wears an ankh around her neck
and is instructed by The Company
to bump off some union bigwig because
he’s scheduled to testify against a
Mafioso so she assumes a new
identity and starts dating him and
naturally he falls madly in love
with her not suspecting that this pert blonde
sitting on the other side of the pink
roses at the fancy restaurant is
actually the best assassin in
the business but when the time comes to pull
the trigger she breaks out in a cold sweat
and can’t go through with it because all she
really wants is to quit The Company
and marry her struggling artist boyfriend
who’s played by Dack Rambo and who of course
has no idea she kills people for a
living so she slips away and puts her
silencer in a storage locker at
the airport and flies to this picturesque
seaside village in Mexico where Dack
paints his unsalable masterpieces
and hoping to make a fresh start she tells
him everything but it turns out that Dack
works for The Company too so he shoots
her in the back on the beach and she dies.