In the other world, I’m told, I was born / meant /
in the body of a rabbit • to outrun wildfire. I was reck
less, ruing and ruseful, a ravage / In the other world, /
of time. • I • like the lone cry of a little train / wandered /
shuttling across the valley of / rampant / winter’s woven
red ruin. There, in heaven as in hell, • in their ceremony
/ animals / ran • beneath the moon's milk-spilt and -lit
half-woods. There, / cracked-open / sub | urbia’s / red /
ecotone a • oyster shell ground to shards in winter’s ditch-
murk, its gutters • with the mud of a street vendor’s clay cups
ground back to earth. Here, office boys in the other else
where buy oysters on Alibaba, their / guaranteed / freight
• from an afterlife away to arrive born | e of • gentle hands,
plastic-wrapped and / a drone’s / certain to contain a pearl.