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Daily Bafflements

• As Vox runs explainers on why we should be suspicious of a rare woman-run $10 billion startup, Elle takes another look at the landscape that technologically-oriented women are subsisting in:

Babson College conducted a study that found that companies with all-male leadership teams are four times more likely to receive investment than teams with even one woman…Silicon Valley has given us only a few women to admire. I can barely name them: Sheryl Sandberg and Marissa Meyer, but then I go blank.

However much we’d all love Theranos to be clean as a whistle, said expensive startup is allegedly hiding data. Susan Faludi wrote about the only sort of feminism that survives in the arid plains of Silicon Valley in Baffler no. 23.

• Australians are taking a pragmatic approach to kick-start their struggling economy:

We need something to stimulate the Australian economy and that something is changing the name of the Australian currency to ‘dollarydoos.’ This will make millions of people around the world want to get their hands on some Australian currency due to the real-life Simpsons reference.

• Texas Monthly has an investigative report into one way Norway is holding a mirror up to America—in Norwegian, the word “texas” has come to mean “crazy.” Here’s a quote from a local news story about a fisherman: “I heard a loud noise from the bay, but I did not know where it came from right away. Thirty seconds to a minute later it jumped out in the fjord. I got to see some of it before I took up the camera…It was totally texas!”