Whither Humanitarianism?

This event is free. Seating is limited. First-come, first-seated.
The international humanitarian aid industry has grown massively in the last decade, pulling in $47 billion last year. Needs have also spiraled. One in twenty-three people in 2023 need humanitarian assistance—more than ever before—as the world struggles to cope with the largest global food crisis in modern history, compounded by climate change and conflict. In a context of permanent emergency, many have questioned whether humanitarianism is, as writer and conflict researcher Joshua Craze claims in the most recent issue of The Baffler, “part of the problem, not the solution.”
This event takes up the question posed by the issue’s title: Whither humanitarianism? Craze, fellow contributor and scholar of refugeedom Laura Robson, and Kristèle Younes, director of humanitarian policy at the School for International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, will discuss the present and future of the industry.