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Daily Bafflements

Neoliberalism, Tribulation, and Emoji

• Aditya Chakrabortty sits at the deathbed of neoliberalism: “From the 1980s the policymaking elite has waved away the notion that they were acting ideologically—merely doing ‘what works.’ But you can only get away with that claim if what you’re doing is actually working.”

• What’s American about the Left Behind series of evangelical thrillers? “Even as the plagues multiply and the cosmic forces of good and evil mass for the final confrontation,” writes Baffler senior editor Chris Lehmann, “the members of the Tribulation Force, as they come to be known, absurdly continue to prosper and pile up high-end possessions.”

• Relatedly: Scripture 4 millennials.

• Also related to the rapture: North Korea’s state media endorses Donald Trump.